My Tattoo Laser Removal journey has been an on going nightmare since 2013. I'm finally at the stage with my skin where my ink is barely noticable (MAY 2024). Cupcake behind my neck is no longer there, ice cream is lingering around some but the main shoulder piece with tons of nonsense around it is hard to detect. I wish I never had to go through this but if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes!
Here's my last session I had in May 2024 @ the Removery, Tampa FL - it may have been my last session forever, we will see how much the ink will break in the next few months but things are finally looking much 'cleaner'(!!!) 🤗 I personally cant even recognize the person with the ink years ago, both inside and out!
Now, should I go celebrate and get a a new tattoo? haha'
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"I hope I can convince you to take care of your skin and natural beauty instead of messing with God gave you. This page is to prove you that anyone can change for the better, inside out and that it's never too late to turn around from going down the trash hole! You can do it too!
Im proud of everyone out there who did not jump on this body modification train, it does nothing good for you or your life!"